Category Archives for "computer security"

All You Need to Know About Security for VoIP Small Business Phone Systems (Part 2)

The question of VoIP phone service security is a natural concern for Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Inland Empire County small business owners considering using VoIP. However, just as with your IT network, there are practical steps you can take to make sure your VoIP business phone system is secure. Having already discussed the various possible security risks with VoIP (e.g., cyberattacks, toll fraud, viruses, etc.), let’s talk about ways to bolster your own VoIP security.

Use VoIP Encryption

The first and most important safeguard to have in place is to run VoIP on an encrypted system that resists hacking. Most VoIP business phone providers now provide encryption automatically, but ask them to be sure. (Additional safety tip: If you’re using VoIP on wi-fi, make sure your wi-fi is encrypted as well.)

Don’t Use VoIP on Shared Wi-Fi

Shared wi-fi systems (e.g., coffee shops and other public places) often have inconsistent security features, especially if they’re not password-protected. If you have to make VoIP calls on shared wi-fi, run it through a VPN (virtual personal network) for added security.

Enable Network Address Translation (NAT) on Your Router

Most internet routers have a NAT feature that creates a separate, private IP address for your VoIP system, one that is only visible from inside the network itself so it’s hidden from potential hackers. (They can’t hack an IP address they can’t see.)

Run Updates Regularly

When developers release updates for your software and system, these updates typically include security updates against the latest detected viruses, malware, etc. Always make sure to run these updates across your entire system, including your VoIP phone system, to maintain high VoIP security.

Educate Your Team on Security Protocols

The biggest cybersecurity risk is human error, not your system itself. Make sure your team knows the basic best practices of internet and VoIP security, including using strong passwords, how to detect phishing/vishing scams and suspicious callers, running antivirus programs, etc.

Along with cybersecurity, VoIP security should always be a priority for Orange County small business owners. However, by being vigilant and proactive, you can use your VoIP system with confidence knowing your system and information are safe. For more information on VoIP security best practices and the latest safeguards available, call 1-877-NetServ today.

IT Solutions for Businesses during Coronavirus Reopening and Reclosing (part 1)

As we continue to weather this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, it’s becoming more apparent that a return to “normal” (whatever that is) will happen in fits and starts. After relatively low infection rates in some areas (including Southern California) over the summer, the fall has brought a resurgence of the virus. Now, just when some Orange County businesses had returned to their offices, we face the threat of more restrictions and lockdowns.

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Troubleshooting the Most Common Small Business VoIP Issues (part 2)

When they work correctly, VoIP systems can greatly enhance your Orange County small business’s productivity and communication. But when they start producing inconsistent quality calls or simply don’t work right, they can be downright distracting. Most of the common VoIP issues can be easily remedied, though. Let’s continue discussing some of the typical VoIP problems you may encounter and how to troubleshoot them.

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working from home IT issues

Troubleshooting Pandemic-Related IT Issues (Part 1)

If there’s a silver lining to the global pandemic for small business owners, it might be that being forced to work from home has shown many of us just how effective it can be. Even as lockdown restrictions ease across the state, many Orange County small businesses are choosing to continue partially or completely teleworking, at least for a while. Some have discovered the added advantages of using previously untapped VoIP features while working from home. Some have even chosen to take advantage of the reduced costs of remote working by closing their offices permanently.

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Tips for Vetting a Potential Orange County IT Support Person

Like most Orange County businesses, you rely on technology to stay connected and competitive—but sometimes you feel like the tech itself gets in the way of your productivity. You’re thinking about contracting a third-party IT company, but how do you know if they will be a good fit for your needs? The following list of questions should serve as a guide when vetting an Orange County IT support professional.

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What to Do if Your Orange County Business Website Gets Hacked

It’s one of the most dreaded experiences of any business owner. You wake up and pull up your Orange County business website to see a white screen— or worse, your content has been replaced with some kind of protest or menacing message, or even something in a foreign language. Of course, sometimes hacking happens more subtly, and you eventually discover someone has been quietly mining your customers’ sensitive information for months.  

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Top Office Technology Advances of the Past Decade Part 1

At the beginning of the 2010s, we marveled at how fast technology seemed to be advancing and how it was changing the way we do business. Over the past ten years, it seems things have moved even faster. As we come to the close of this decade, let’s do a quick roundup of some of the most notable tech advances that have transformed our offices, businesses and workflows over the past ten years.

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Common IT Threats to Your Small Business

As information technology (IT) continues to evolve, small businesses across the globe are enjoying greater levels of connectivity and productivity than ever before. At the same time, IT comes with its own set of vulnerabilities that, when left unaddressed, can cause major headaches at best and cripple your business at worst. Let’s take a look at some of the most common IT threats your Orange County business might face, and what to do about them.   

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Orange County Cybersecurity Firm

Your Small Business’s Secret IT Vulnerabilities, and What to Do About Them

Most companies want to believe their IT systems are secure from cyberattacks and data theft. Firewalls, SSL certificates and password-protected WiFi are all essential elements of cybersecurity, but they can also lull business owners and their employees into a false sense of security. The vast majority of small businesses have secret IT vulnerabilities, which is why hackers like to target them. Let’s look at a few of the most common secret vulnerabilities that may be lurking about in your IT, and what you can do to make your business safer.

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Orange County Checklist of IT Needs for small business

A Must-Do IT Checklist for Your Orange County Business

There was a time when computers and network connectivity were optional, especially for small businesses. Today, they are essential. Without a secure, robust IT system in place, your Orange County business can’t engage customers and conduct business on a competitive level. On the other hand, with the right technology and tools in place, you can potentially compete on a global scale with businesses ten times your size.

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