Office Technology Relocation Services (Part 1)

If your business grows the way it should, you may encounter some “good problems to have,” including the need to expand into larger facilities. When that day comes, your IT systems must move (and probably expand) with you. How do office technology relocation services work, and what should you expect?

An Overview of the Relocation Process

Unless your business technology consists of a single computer and wi-fi, the planning process for office tech relocation should begin months before the actual move. You’ll need to conduct a thorough evaluation and inventory of your current gear, wiring and network configuration to determine which components may be feasibly moved. Depending on the age of your equipment, your relocation might be an excellent time to consider upgrades to your system. You should also plan the layout of your new facility carefully to determine how your technology may be best reconfigured within the new space. Finally, you should back up all data prior to disconnecting, packing and moving components, and make sure all necessary wiring and components are properly configured in advance to avoid unnecessary downtime.

Advantages of Using an IT Service for Your Technology Relocation

Since IT systems of most businesses are quite complex, we highly recommend hiring a professional IT service to oversee your office technology relocation. Some key advantages of doing so:

• Professional evaluation and recommendations. An IT professional can easily determine which components of your system should make the move, which elements should remain and which should be upgraded.
• Expert planning and configurations. Your new offices may come with a whole new set of challenges to IT infrastructure. A professional service can anticipate these challenges and configure your space efficiently, possibly even before you arrive.
• Safe care and handling. IT professionals know how to minimize risk of damage to your equipment during the move. Optimally, you should allow the IT service to move and reinstall your technology separately from the rest of the office.
• Minimized down time. For most companies, a single day offline can result in thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Attempting technology relocation on your own may extend this downtime. Hiring a professional service helps ensure there’s as downtime as possible—potentially saving you more money than the cost of hiring them.

Netserv offers complete office technology relocation solutions to help reduce the stress of a major office move. Call our offices for more details.