FAQs about Small Business Cybersecurity – Part 2

Cybersecurity can be a daunting topic for small business owners, and many have more questions than answers. Let’s address a few more frequently asked questions about how to protect your business’ online presence.

What are some cybersecurity best practices?

Every small business should have an individualized cybersecurity plan and strategy tailored to their needs. However, most companies can protect themselves at a baseline level with the following practices:

• Install a firewall and encrypting information.
• Secure wi-fi with a strong password, and change it often.
• Instruct employees to use strong passwords and change them often.
• Install antivirus software on all devices and keep it updated.
• Install latest updates on all software and operating systems.
• Train employees on proper protection of company and customer data.
• Utilize strong spam filters for email, and never open emails or attachments that look suspicious.

How can I detect phishing or malicious emails?

Since phishers and hackers constantly change their tactics, you should always exercise caution with emails, even from people you know. That said, here are a few telltale signs to look for:

• Attached files with vague explanations, or appearing to have come to you by mistake.
• Simple, cryptic text with a hyperlink (or a hyperlink by itself).
• Emails that warn you of impending peril if you don’t click to save your account by “clicking here” (these links usually lead to a mock website of the company).
• Emails that look like they came from a legitimate company but have typos and bad grammar (many phishing emails come from foreign agents with limited English).
• Any other aspect of the email that looks suspicious.

When in doubt that an email has actually come from your bank, don’t click the email link. Log into your account directly to verify whether the email came from them.

Should I carry cyber liability insurance?

The answer to this question depends on your online business practices and your own best judgment. It’s an extra cost that not every business owner may be able to justify. Cyber liability insurance protects you against legal claims if your customers’ data is compromised in a security breach. If you only maintain a web presence for advertising purposes and don’t receive or store customer data online, you are less likely to need this insurance. However, you might want to explore this option if you sell items or services online, if you accept and store credit card information and other personal identification from your customers, and/or if the liability costs could bankrupt you in the event of a breach.

Cybersecurity can seem complicated and overwhelming, but with the right solutions in place, you can easily protect your company from most security threats. For answers to other questions or to learn more about cybersecurity solutions, call 1-877-NetServ today.