IT Security Tips for Orange County Businesses

The Internet and the Digital Age have opened up amazing possibilities and opportunities for small business to grow and thrive—even competing with large corporations on an international level. At the same time, the digital space sometimes also feels like the new Wild West. Cybercriminals lurk in every corner of the web, inventing new ways to hack into our systems and steal data, money and other assets. How can businesses protect themselves from becoming victims in the digital world? Let’s look at some key IT security tips that Orange County businesses like yours should always practice.

Have a Strong Firewall in Place

One of the first lines of defense in any IT system is to run all your devices behind a firewall that keeps your network private and encrypted. A firewall detects and blocks suspicious traffic according to set security parameters, making it much more difficult for hackers to get in.

Use Robust Password Protection

Hackers use advanced software programs that “guess” passwords more effectively than ever. Train your team to utilize long-string passwords that don’t form recognizable words. Avoid writing passwords down, and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts or devices. (If remembering all those unique passwords poses a problem, consider getting a password management program like LastPass.) Always keep all devices password-protected, and train your employees never to leave a workstation with a device open.

Keep Software and Hardware Up-to-Date

Software and hardware developers are continually providing updates to their systems to stay ahead of hackers who are constantly developing new ways to exploit these systems’ vulnerabilities. Keeping your equipment and software updated is a key ingredient in protecting your workplace from new cyber-threats.

Hire a Third-Party IT Service to Help

Even when you’re doing all the right things to maintain a secure digital environment for your Orange County business, staying on top of all the updates and threats can be a full-time job. If you don’t have the budget to hire someone full-time, a reliable third-party IT service in Orange County can help you configure your system for maximum IT security, keep on top of the latest updates, troubleshoot problems and monitor your network for potential threats. To learn more about what we offer for small businesses in Orange County, call NetServ today at 1-877-NetServ.