Welcome to the NetServ Support Center
Exceptional IT Support Services Nationwide
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No Problem. We can still help!
Unlimited Support
Windows, Mac, and Connected Devices
No-Hassle Annual Contract
Virus, Trojan, and Malware Removal
Remote, Secure Support over the Internet
Technical Expertise and Knowledge
NetServ can provide immediate tech support
for your PC, laptop, server, internet router, VoIP or other device on your network
Call 1-877-NetServ to get started
NetServ Unlimited Remote Support – How does it work?
With an Unlimited Support contract, you can call NetServ technical support, anytime during our business hours. Our client service specialists will gather your information and we will remotely troubleshoot and fix your technical problem. Our cloud server technology allows our engineers to create a secure connection directly to your PC over the internet and fix your problems right in front of you. You can watch us as we go to work or focus on other tasks as we fix your technical issue. We can also walk you through the problem right over the phone in cases where your internet is not working. Our cloud server security ensures all connections to your computer are fully encrypted.
On Site Support for your Office?
We are able to fix 99% of problems remotely from our support center, but sometimes there’s a problem that requires an onsite technician visit to your office. We have on-site technicians available for this type of service as well. (Note: Additional fees apply for on-site visits; technicians not available in all areas.)
What Problems Can We Solve?
Our technicians are highly trained, multi vendor certified and have years of experience fixing all types of desktops, laptops, servers, routers, printers, VoIP and network problems.
Here are just a few of the most common problems encountered on a daily basis:
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Call 1-877-NetServ to get started