Tag Archives for " future of VoIP "

The History and Future of VoIP (Part 1)

Whenever we adopt new technology into our lives or businesses, it sometimes helps to create context. In other words, when we understand how and why the technology evolved, we have a better idea of how we can use it to our advantage. For Orange County business owners, switching to VoIP might seem like little more than finding a cheaper way to have phone service. But when you know where VoIP came from and where it is going, you might begin to see numerous ways you can use the technology to make your business more competitive. Let’s take a quick look at how VoIP technology developed and where many experts believe it is going in the next few years.

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What Will the Future of VoIP Look Like?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has come a long way since its initial development in 1995. As a method for transmitting vocal signals as data over the Internet, VoIP has moved past Internet voicemail and Internet-based telephone to videochat, video conferencing and much more. What will the future of VoIP look like, and, more importantly, what ramifications could new developments have for your business? Let’s explore some possibilities.

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